Journal of Jesse

Monday, November 21, 1994

I saw Star Trek Generations on Saturday (19th). It was bad! The back of the Enterprise Blew up! I'm going to see it again.

Well, have I told You who I like, No I don't think so. Now, In my class I like Katheryn Cruz. She was in my first grade class, But I didn't like her then.

I'm invited to a party. It's Jennifer Renwicks party, Travis, Kelden and Devin are going to be their. Talk to you more about later.

Friday, November 18, 1994

Today Star Trek Generations came out. I was going to see it today, but Bill Weaver couldn't come, So I'm going to see it Tommorow (Hopefully). We took pictures today (I think) thell turn out great.

My Binder Broke Again. So I bought a new one.

I didn't Do very much today.

Thursday, November 17, 1994

I haven't written in a long time. Let me update you. I'm in 6th Grade. My teachers are Mrs. Baker & Mr. Blackburn.

I'm not in Jazz Band only for 7th and 8th, but I'm special.

I'm in this writing class is for GATE students.

There is also a club called Honor Socity. At the end of the year, you get to go to Disney (now get this) World in Florida. Yep, That's Right in Florida. The Trip costs about $800, but I'm earning the money

Now let me tell you about the big thing. The Star Trek movie is opening tommorow It's called STAR TREK: GENERATIONS. Camptain Kirk and Captain Picard are in it. And yes, what, Kirk DIES! (Finally!)

Today was the Sneak Preview. I was going to the Sneak Preview but I blew it by yelling at Mom. Man I wish I didn't do that.