Journal of Jesse

Monday, January 19, 1998

Today's Martin Luther Kings Birthday AND Bobby Goodman's birthday.

The Debate tournament was fun. I went 2 and 2 in Debate and placed 6th in Extemp. My extemp question was "Who is Andrew Grove and why is he in the news?" WHO IS HE? The judge and my debate teachers didn't know. I thought Rachel Ezzell and Mellisa Hill, both who were in my debate class, were snobs. I learned differently.

Today was the first time I snuck out of the house. I told Mom I was going to Kevins when I was really going to a goodbye party for Kim Carlson at the mall. I got grounded for hitting Russell. Me, Kim, Rebecca Beckle, Lindsey Stewart, Anne Radimecky, Allison Herrel, Christine Cook, Mellissa Mcgregor, and Jennifer Cagle went to Chile's to Eat. Mom and Dad came. It was akward. I'm really in trouble. But I told them I'd sneak out again if important enough.

Tuesday, January 13, 1998

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (a little late)

Today was my 93rd Day of High School. I have "C" Lunch with Lindsey Stewart, Ryan Seekley, and Christine Cook.

The Last Day of School, Me, Bobby Goodman, Ryan Seekley, Christine Cook, Sarah Hasley, Anne Radimecky, Allison Harrel, and Lindsey Steward (Phew!) saw Titanic. It was one of the best movies ever made. All the girls exept Allison cried. Its the 4th Week and it's still #1. I loved it.

I have biology with Kevin Roach. Everyone in that class is stupid. But the teacher is fine.

My Third period class is Theature Arts. Its really fun in there. We've done a lot of impromptu.

The last class I have is Algebra. I like the teacher, and she teaches well. (I have JROTC first period) And I'm quiet in all of my classes. They just really don't know me.