Journal of Jesse

Sunday, August 31, 1997

It's not a school night. Today, I opened the front page, and I felt like I had a heart attack. I've never been so "shocked" at a headline. I usually hear about it the night (day) before. But this was just like "POW." It read:
Princess Diana Killed in Car Crash

When I look at it, I still am shocked. I'm saving it so future generations may look at it. I think Princess Diana to me is like John F. kennedy to others. I felt like I lost someone close to me, but I didn't even know her. It's a really weird feeling. I think I put her on such a high pedestal, I didn't think this could happen. I used to like the paparatzi, the press, but now I think I hate them. They Killed THE PRINCESS OF WALES!

Tuesday, August 26, 1997

My 11th Day of high school. It seems longer than that though. Seminary is getting better. I think I'm getting used to waking up early. I got compliment on my shirt today. It's striped blue, white, and black. It also has a zipper. Today, in JROTC, I knew when an officer enters the room, you yell "attention ON DECK!" I was waiting for him. Then when he came, I was afraid that I was going to say the wrong thing. He yelled at us. I felt so stupid! I bought a new stereo yesterday. When Russell was on vacation in Utah, I used his stereo in my bathroom while taking a shower. I got so dependent on it, that when Russell got back, he always got mad at me for taking it. So, I bought one for $90. It's all Digital. I wanted to get 2 CB Handheld radios, but Service Merchendice was out. (And I really didn't need them.

Monday, August 25, 1997

My 10th Day of High School. We're carpooling with Bobby Goodman to Seminary. My New Era came today. I can't wait to read it.


(We have a special time)

Wednesday, August 20, 1997

My 7th Day of High School. I gave my speech for debate today. It lasted 3:42, and you had to go for 3 minutes, so I did well. Most people spoke for 50 seconds to 1:30.

I missed seminary today. So now I don't get the 100% record attendance. I really didn't want to get up. I was so tired from the previous night. Dad said when I earn my star, then he shaves his mustache. I earned it, so I told him to shave it. He said "Did we have a contract? Did I sign anything? No, so I don't (have to shave it)" Then I went into a MAD rage. It was unfair!

Color Guard practice was today. I'm getting better at it. I konw port, order, and carry colors (right & left). It's really fun, but there really strict. I forgot my gun rack #, so I had to do 10 pushups. FUN!?

Monday, August 18, 1997

My 5th Day of High School. On Friday, we went on campout, so thats why I didn't write. I stepped in an ant-pile too, so I have bites all over me. Also, It was my first day of seminary. It was dumb because it was boring. EVERYONE was tired. I later kept falling asleep in World Geography. After School, I went to Color Guard Practice. We learned how to handle the rifle, and the moves involved. I really didn't get it, but I eventually will. Wenesday is our next practice.

I was called as the choir pianist. AHHHHHHHHHH! Bishop Taylor told me the story about how he played "I am a child of (violen) of God" for the Prophet. Now he can't play it. What could I say. But I'm teamed up with Sis. Clark, so I don't have to worry to much.

Thursday, August 14, 1997

My 3rd Day of High School. It was fine. I was late to JROTC because of our stupid bus. We were late yesterday, and today we were. I hope this trend doesn't continue. In World Geography, we had to come up with 5 people we would invite to a dinner party (Dead or Alive). I choose - Winston Churchhill, Thomas Jefferson, Abrahame Lincoln, Adolf Hitler, and Jesus Christ. The class was like "O my gosh!" "WOW!" "Ha Ha Ha" "Hitler?" I told why I would invite Hitler. I would ask him what caused his racism against who he killed. We gave speeches in Debate today. I did well. I did one on Timmy Brown. (He has a twin Eddie)

After school, I went to a mtg for JROTC at Lewisville main. It was to start at 4:30, but instead, it started at 4:00, just when our school got out. I'm going to be on the Color Guard!!! (In ROTC, we have to do our Middle Intial, so I might as well practice)

[bottom of page, "Jesse M Nix" is signed]

Wednesday, August 13, 1997

My 2nd Day of High School. About the same. Our Bus was late to school. I saw Christy Artis today. She's Mormon and she was really mad because I wasn't at the Dance last Saturday. I was really tired! I was! I like her, she's nice and pretty. In Debate we had to tell our name, then something we like. I said "jam." Also, we teamed up with another person and tommorow we have to give a speech on them. I still have to finish mine.

I missed going to my activity tonight. I didn't want to, and I know Kevin tommorow will ask "Where were you?" I'll tell him I didn't want to go, and I was eating soup for dinner.

I saw a movie (My Fellow Americans) about 2 presidents. It was really funny (Sis Solomon recommended it) but there was a lot of swearing.


Tuesday, August 12, 1997

Today was the first day of High School. I'm a freshman at Lewisville High School North. It's a school just for Freshmen because the hight school is WAY too crouded. (By the way, Lewisville High School is 100 years old this year). I went to JROTC for first period, but the people are kind of dumb, but the 2nd period JROTC people look cool. 2nd period I had world Geography. Bobby Goodman and Ryan Seekely are in that class, and so is Sarah Hasley. The only thing I was trully scared about High school was (1) Seeing lots of new people (2) GOING to lunch and NONE of my friends will be there. Luckily, I got "A" lunch, and Kevin Roach has that lunch, so I was SO relieved! You don't know how relieved I was.

Monday, August 04, 1997

There was a farewell party at the Jerome's today for the Liddell's. It was kinda fun. Kevin Roach got REALLY Mad at Sarah Jerome. He says she's really annoying. So does Audrey Roach. I think she's really fun to be with. But she likes my orthodontist, and I don't, and she's doesn't like Sister Cannon, but I do. After the party, some youth were going to "Men in Black," I was going to go with Kevin, but were both grounded. That makes me mad! I'll never do that again. (Probably!) But Jenni Ensign's not going, so what's the point (!!!)

When we go on our trip on Thursday, Jenni's going to invite her best friend, Amy Francen, so it's going to be awesome!

Saturday, August 02, 1997

Guess what I did today? Kevin Roach and I were going to see "Spawn" but Brother Roach read a passage from the Dallas Morning News, about how it was satanic. So naturally, Mom & dad wouldn't let us go. So Kevin got mad, and started to complain. I then said, "LET'S GO SEE GOODBURGER!" He said no, then I wispered something to him. So, we went to the theatre. But instead of getting tickets to Goodburger, we went and saw "spawn." It was a dumb movie, and so we waited outside for Kevin's Dad to come. He asked Kevin how was goodburger, and he told him it stunk. Then B. Roach said "So you want me to believe that you went and saw that, but you didn't?" B. Roach told Mom & Dad, and I'm in trouble.

We went watersking with the Evans, and we went tubing, Kneeboarding, and Sking. I got up to ski on my first try too!!!